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It must've been love. Is it over now?

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    Athos Georgiou

It must have been love

It must have been love

Reflecting on June 2023 feels like reminiscing about a distant dream, filled with a blend of melancholy and nostalgia. It was the year of GenAI and a period of significant transformation in my life.

I was invited to a hackathon organized by Pinecone, aiming to create an application using Pinecone's Vector database and GenAI. There, I met a group of talented individuals who shared my passion for AI. We formed a team and entered the competition. Although we didn't win, we had a blast and learned a lot. The best part is that we kept in touch and continue to collaborate to this day.

A lot happened in 2023, with AI advancing at an unprecedented pace. The world seems to be accelerating in terms of technological change. However, the hype around GenAI and LLMs (Large Language Models) is starting to fade. People are beginning to recognize the limitations of GenAI and are having more open discussions about the ethical implications of AI. This shift towards a more balanced view of AI is a welcome change.

I want to clarify something: GenAI is not true AI. It's a powerful statistical model capable of generating text, but it lacks intelligence, creativity, and consciousness. Achieving AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) will likely require a combination of several models and technologies, not just GenAI. And when it's there, we will need to assume the role of the parent, guiding and nurturing it to one day guide us in return. But, that would be just a parent's hope, not a guarantee.

But, is it over now?

But, is it over now?

The field has definitely shifted. The hype is fading, but the work continues. From my conversations with friends, colleagues, and both present and future clients, I can see that the shift is towards a more pragmatic approach to AI. People are starting to understand that it is a tool, not a solution in itself. It can be used to augment human capabilities, but not replace human intelligence. One positive is that business owners are finally starting to ask the right questions about AI. "How can AI help my business save time and cost?" "How can it help me make better decisions?" Or, "How can it help me better understand my customers?" These are the questions that matter and will be a driving force in the future of AI.

I'm excited about the future and ever passionate, not only for AI, but for software engineering, self-improvement, and life in general. If anything, the events of 2023 have taught me that change is inevitable, and it's up to us to embrace it and make the most of it.

Embracing change, empowering each other, and working together towards a better future is what it's all about. Honestly, the rise in AI popularity has made me realize that it's not about the technology itself, but about the people behind it. It's about the people who create it, use it, and the people who benefit from it. It's about the people who make it all possible. And that's what makes it all worth it.

Here's to the future, to the people, and to the possibilities that lie ahead. It must've been love. But, is it over now? No, it's just the beginning.

Credit to Roxette for the inspiration and may you rest in peace, Marie Fredriksson.